Nov. 4th: Festival of Feeding Hungry Ghosts - OSEGAKI


Listen to opening talk.

This Sunday: November 4th
Festival of Feeding Hungry Ghosts - OSEGAKI
 9:00  AM Preparations 
10:00 AM Teaching on Segaki
10:30 AM Segaki Ceremony
11:30 AM Vegetarian Lunch for All

Traditional Buddhist cosmology features a class of beings known as hungry ghosts, or GAKI in Japanese.  Beset by insatiable hunger and thirst, they are unable to receive nourishment because their throats are extremely thin, and whenever food or drink enters their mouths, it turns to pus, blood, or fire. During our annual Segaki ceremony we make offerings to the hungry ghosts, both without and within, unlocking their inability to receive nourishment, as well as nourishing ourselves.