Buddha Eye Temple

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Practicing with Our Women Ancestors: Community Circle on The Hidden Lamp

Facilitated by Senior Student Reiko Rain Rue
Sundays, May 16-June 20
2:30pm - 3:30pm (

How do we attend to absence with presence? How do we take up the practice of wholeness? In this Community Circle we will be practicing with a few koans from The Hidden Lamp, a collection of teaching stories and reflections that attends to the invisibility of women ancestors and their wisdom. From the editors: “Yes, this is a book that features women, but there are men here too, in almost every story; this is a book of human stories, human teachings.” Likewise, this is a practice circle for all human beings, in our whole embodied practice for the benefit of all beings.

Registration has closed for this circle. Please contact us at office@buddhaeye.org if you would like more information.