Buddha Eye Temple

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Qi Gong

ShiBashi Taiji Qigong Classes

4:30pm - 5:30pm
Led by Michael Vasquez
(Attend in-person only)

The basic theories, concepts, and first foundation exercises of ShiBashi Qigong practice introduce experiential principles inherent  in traditional Self care and Chinese medicine. Students of all ages and physical conditions can expect to experience a strong visceral feeling of Qi, increase in Oxygen and Blood flow.

An inspired Practioner can easily perform slow moving exercises, along with natural rhythmic breathing and mindful concentration that will circulate, balance, and build Qi throughout the body. The return on time and effort spent practicing is an adaptive state of internal strength and wholeness of body and mind.

This practice and the nature of the instruction specializes in receptive or "Yin" training, a powerful return of self connection and reasonable option for working through fear-trap-thought-forms and past traumas.

Instructor: Qi University / Michael Vasquez / 43 yrs. Experience / 541 708-1050 (Online training also available)

Cost: Donation